
How to choose a bulletproof vest and helmet?

Finding armor is a very pressing issue today. Even for civilians. In a very short time we all had to figure it out and become an expert on the subject.

Any armor is a chance of protection, not a panacea against bullets or debris. Putting it on does not include immortality mode, so there is no need to be exposed. Before choosing a bulletproof vest, decide on its type. Civilians in the combat zone will suit something lightweight, such as a splinter-proof vest. Soldiers need a military specimen with a high protection class.

According to statistics, 70-80% of wartime injuries happen from debris. Armor vests protect against pistol bullets and debris, which is a major concern during war, due to the material that is everywhere on the inside of the vest – on the sides, on the straps over the shoulders. There can also be variations with neck and groin protection. They are larger in area than the platen socks. At the same time, body armor vests have special pockets into which protective plates are inserted, just as in plate wearers.

When choosing a bulletproof vest, we pay attention to:

  • Class. It is class that determines the type of weapon a bulletproof vest must protect against.
  • The type of wearing the vest, it can be concealed and external type.
  • The effectiveness of the area of protection. Minimum – 18, maximum – 42 dm2.
  • Effective wearing time: from 1 to 12 hours.

Choice of helmet

Bump helmet protects against debris and pistol bullets. It can be made from a combination of para-aramid and impact resistant plastic in different variations. Helmets should have a cover (pouch) made of fire- and water-resistant fabric, but helmets are often sold without pouches, so they must be found separately or sewn. Covers are needed because HLPE along with plastic are flammable, so they need protection from fire, because shells explode regularly.

Comfort of wearing the armor

Body armor is not like regular everyday clothing, so don’t expect comfort from it, especially from heavy models. It takes some getting used to. When choosing the right vest, think about how you will move in it, how long you need to stay in it and in what climatic conditions you will have to do it.

A bulletproof vest is not a panacea; having put it on, you should not provoke your enemy to test his protective qualities. Unfortunately, even a good vest has weaknesses, such as the sides, you should be aware of them.

Under no circumstances should you “test-fire” the vest after purchase, especially on a person. Shooting the vest reduces the protection: the ceramic plates collapse, the protective sheath of the kevlar panels is damaged. This can end in injury and death. The best “test” is a competent choice and application.

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