Every student feels studying refers to attending a class, listening to the lecture, grasping the concepts, doing homework and attending the examination. This process of study is boring and one will not develop an interest in the subject. Instead, one will start losing interest if this process is continued for a long. One must note that even the learning and study process can be made fun and interesting. Effective helps in better understanding of the concepts and also yields good results. In this article, we will focus on how to plan and study a lesson effectively.
Splitting up the lessons
We all know that a lesson usually consists of eight to ten pages. Reading the entire lesson in one go is difficult. Any learner trying to learn the entire lesson at one stretch will end up messing up the topics studied and naturally, will not have a crystal clear understanding of the concepts. One can split up the lesson into smaller fragments get through with the smaller fragments and then move on to the next one. This will not make the lesson boring and the urge to know more about the topic will persist until the lesson is finished.
Solving more
We all know that solving or practising more questions helps in better understanding and also one improves the writing skills. When a student completes a small concept then one can solve questions related to it. One need not wait for the entire lesson to complete. If a small portion of the lesson is completed then one can solve a few questions related to it from the prescribed textbook or other reference books. However one can find much of the answers in ncert solutions and other books to verify the answers. We all know the saying practice maskes man perfect, hence solvomg an dpracticinng more number of questions will gear up the results of the students
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Connect the concepts
Connecting the concepts with day to life activities and examples aids in better undrestanding of the concepts. One may note that physics concepts and examples can be connected to real life. The practical illustration of few experiments can be made. The examples for push and pull in physics can be learnt by doing some activities. Real life examples and applications can be used more than the theory examples given in th prescribed textbook. Every student should be able to learn the concepts from the activities, experiments he does. One needs to the theory behind everything such as riding a cycle, how the cycle moves, what kind of energy is required and so on.
Interactive session
One can interact with friends and family regarding the lessons and concepts studied. This develops the communication skills and also on discussion a lot of new ideas, innovations and applications are evolved form the people’s mind. One can discuss on a concept of physics, a sample paper, ncert solutions for class 12 chemistry, also a general discussion about a subject will be fruitful for the students. This kind of interactive session can be concducted at any time like either before starting a lesson or even afte the completion of a lesson. The interaction can be engaged in the form of group discussion, seminar, lecture, demonstration of an experiment, question and answer session or quiz. Any mode of interaction can help the students to have a grip over the subject.
Examine yourself
One need not write an examination to examine himself. Taking a small oral test will also work out. After completion of a lesson one has to ask questions randomly to himself and test. If the learner is capable of answering all te questions the he is good to go but if he is not able to then the learner needs to work out more on this lesson. This will help the student to know how much has he grasped from the lesson and how much more effort is required to complete this lesson with better understanding.
Planning a lesson and studying is as important as preparing for the examination. When a student studies slowly and by splitting will definitely yield a good result. The study without a plan and just for namesake is a waste of time. Effective learning comes on slow and smart study practice.